音乐奖学金颁发给在声乐表演方面表现优异的学生, 钢琴, or any instrument through an audition. These scholarship recipients make music their top priority, as they hone their skills and contribute to Gwynedd's thriving music program. 理想的候选人将遵循下面链接页面上的试镜指南. Here, you can also find information about scholarship recipient requirements.
所有音乐奖学金试镜视频必须在周五之前上传到招生门户网站, 10月6日, 2023.
- 大调和和声小调音阶和琶音(最多包括4个升音阶和4个降音阶)以舒适的速度和至少两个八度演奏.
- A Bach invention or comparable Baroque selection.
- 克莱门蒂、莫扎特、海顿或贝多芬的奏鸣曲或高级奏鸣曲的第一乐章
- A representative selection from 18th, 19th, or 20th centuries.
- A short passage will be selected for sight-reading at the audition.
*Prior experience accompanying for school and church choirs, or for school musical productions is a plus!
NOTE: No 钢琴 method books are permitted for the auditions. (i.e. Faber方法)
- 直言不讳的 exercises to display technique, intonation, and range.
- A memorized selection from the 24 Italian Songs and Arias songbook or classical art song.
- A contrasting classical musical theater selection.
注意:将提供一名伴奏,学生必须携带干净的伴奏. No a cappella auditions or track accompaniment will be permitted.
- 3 major scales from the following: G, D, A, F, Bb, Eb.
- Two contrasting pieces from the traditional repertoire, appropriate to your particular instrument, that demonstrate your level of technical proficiency and musicianship. Pieces should include works from: Baroque, 经典, 浪漫的, 当代, or Jazz musical literature.
*A short passage will be selected for sight-reading.
For further details please visit the 音乐奖学金页面.